JANA’s Spaceship
In the beginning of 2021, upon coming back to the US from the Philippines, I was so worried about how I would spend the isolation time by myself. My siblings and I had really different schedule and travel plans and the Omicron variant was on a rampage so I didn’t dare to go out after international travel. So, I bought a gaming laptop (I chose not to build one for convenience, as I anticipated I would travel lots) and started playing around with Discord. Thus, the birth of JANA’s Spaceship, a Discord server I built for fun.
It’s a “project” I’ve worked on for a bit at the beginning, and now it’s self-managing. I wanted a place for my friends all over the world to chill, chat, play games, and hang out.
One of the things I’m really happy with is the #dokidoki-literature-club channel, which I initially planned to be a skillsharing channel for whatever hobbies the members are interested in. Eventually, this grew into an “after school club” of sorts for random hobbies. We started with learning art, which we still do every now and then, and for the month of May we had a “Music May” theme. As I mentioned before, this server pretty much manages itself and the members are the creative ones that suggest new projects or interests to pursue. It’s been a nice space for learning, as a few members have expressed directly that they “looove” this server! But honestly, it’s not the server that makes it a comfy space, it’s the people.
For exapmple, we have a gallery of our art practice studies where we used references in the image below. I’m very proud of the effort these people have put in, and the courage to share that with many people to see.
If you happen to read this and you are part of the Spaceship crew, thank you for being awesome!