Sandwich Maker
For our senior design project, me and my teammates prototyped a machine that will assemble a sandwich in a given amount of time. Due to the CoVID-19 outbreak, the prototyping phase was cut short and the creation of the design was postponed. However, our group created a blueprint of a project which includes the mechanical and electrical aspects of the design. Here is a work in progress status of the project so far!
My contribution:
•Designed in a group of 5, a machine that assembles a sandwich in 3 minutes, which is composed of the following subsystems: scissor lifts, a conveyor belt, pump dispensers.
•Researched design mechanisms in considering the capabilities of the design, such as linear motion, controls and motors.
•Modeled iterations of the mechanical housing for the electrical system in collaboration with the team as changes are made throughout the project timeline using SolidWorks.
•Created and reviewed engineering drawings in finalizing the blueprint of the project.
•Estimated the mass and weight of each component for stress and strain analysis simulations.
•Project was cut short due to CoVID-19, however the designs are prepared to be manufactured, assembled and tested with documented guidelines once close human contact becomes safe again.
The other team members:
•Researched and implemented electronic system integration for the controls of the pump dispenser, conveyor belt, and scissor lift mechanisms.
•Estimated cost of each component for budgeting purposes and procured the materials for project assembly.
•Scheduled the projects in segments and in conjunction with the deadlines of the senior design class.
•Prototyped the circuit of the controls systems with motors, breadboards, and Arduinos.
•Tested the Arduino codes and circuit for the controls of the sandwich maker.
•Presented updates to the class with the appropriate visuals for the mechanical design, code for the controls, and schematics for the circuitry.