New Age Theatrics wins Ultimate Brawl XXI 2024!

Choreography: Francis and Erika Tyrell

Choreography: Francis and Erika Tyrell

What is Ultimate Brawl?

Ultimate Brawl is a prestigious dance competition that draws talented dance crews from all over, showcasing a wide array of styles and performances. Winning this competition is a testament to a team's creativity, skill, and hard work.

Introducing "Indigo Children"

We snapped a photo right before going on stage!

"Indigo Children" is the name of our award-winning set performed by New Age Theatrics. This set is a deeply expressive and dynamic performance that combines intricate choreography, powerful storytelling, and a touch of mysticism, all inspired by the concept of indigo children—individuals believed to possess special, often supernatural abilities and traits.

The road to Ultimate Brawl was intense and exhilarating. We had barely a month to prepare and build this set, so my retention was challenged. We had to be really quick on our feet and adapt to whatever changes are thrown at us. It’s an important skillset to take a change, adapt, apply, and be flexible. I believe preparing for this piece definitely challenged me. Every team member poured their heart and soul into perfecting each move, ensuring our performance was seamless and impactful.

I was even challenged to a duel as someone wanted my spot. I’m proud to say I defended my coveted spot! It was really fun. I think I was more nervous about the challenge than the actual performance itself!

On the day of the competition, the energy was electric. As we stepped onto the stage, we were not just performers; we were storytellers, bringing "Indigo Children" to life. It was surreal performing in SoCal as New Age is barely a year old!

I am as tall as our trophy!


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