Finally…an actual Graduation Ceremony!

I graduated in May 2020 but was not able to attend my Commencement in person. So, in 2022, NYU hosted a joint ceremony for 2020 and 2021 graduates! Woohoo!

My family and I just found this as an excuse to go back to NYC together, but one thing my friend told me stuck with me as I asked how he felt about the long-overdue graduation:

It’s been so long I’ve pretty much moved on. I don’t think I’m doing this for myself, but I want to give my family that experience, you know?

And it has been AN experience for my family and myself! My graduation week coincided with one of the busiest weeks at work, which is our account reviews. So with the tiredness from travel, the changes with the time zone difference, the graduation ceremonies I wanted to attend (one for Engineering school held in Barclay’s Center, one for All-University held at the Yankee Stadium), two of my brothers getting covid (I would also eventually get covid later in the week), and my other brother getting sent to ER for fainting at some point—I was able to get through the week!

Here are a few pictures!

I do sincerely apologize for my lack of manners here but my braces’ wire was poking and I cannot let it interfere with eating really good food!


I joined my first dance team!


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